Mister Rogers’ Zombiehood
Episode 4
In honor of the season, Vince trashes a national treasure, drawing much criticism, hatred, and possibly a death threat. Happy Halloween!
Comedy is re-imagined as Vince’s brain explodes and all the pulpy bits spill into this podcast.
The all-new 2020 Vincent Hase features Attention Deficit Disorder, multiple personalities, and a couple of STDs that were never tended to properly at the time of infection. In fact, for the sake of full disclosure, there are quite a few miles on this model, and he’s been in an accident or two. Since he is well past his ‘sell-by’ date, you may want to listen quickly, before he drops dead. The podcast is blissfully short, so you will have plenty of time for more important pursuits, like binge-watching Stranger Things on Netflix. Again.
Be sure to follow the adventures of a madman in your favorite podcast aggregator.
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WARNING: Don’t let the cute cartoon of the insane person fool you – NsaneFW has some naughty words.